Events Leading Up To & The Aftermath Of 911

As Originally Broadcast 09/07/03

emails I received after this show was broadcast

To : <>
Subject : The Great Deception Series

Last Sunday night ( Sept. 7, '03 ) was the best radio broadcast i've heard in my entire life....Thank-You. I very excited that I'll be able to download it off your web site because my tape recording of it wasn't perfect and I think it's something very important to have. Please let me know when it's up on the site. Sent : September 9, 2003 7:06:04 PM

To :
Subject : Re: The Fish Show : the Aftermath of 911

The show definitely struck cord within me. Ever since the week following 9-11 I have had the feeling that all of us were being led down to "prim rose path" by the U.S. government and mainstream media, but could never really put it all together. Your show the other night was a huge help and a great start. Thank-you

Sent : September 11, 2003 9:00:26 AM
To :
Subject : The show is the thing!

I had never listened to your show until last Sunday night when I drove a drunken buddies car home from the bar. He happen to have the radio tuned to your program and I didn't bother to change it. Wow! Fantastic work! It was a 5 minute drive home and I ended up sitting in the car for half an hour listening to the last bit of your show. I was really quite impressed. I want to hear the whole thing but am now having trouble downloading it off the net. (Although putting you shows up on the net for free is a very generous offer) I really would like to hear that show again and I will come up to the university to get a copy if need be.
A new listener

Sent : September 15, 2003 1:41:35 PM
To :
Thanks for the prompt reply , I'm impressed - not only are you guys cool and humorous,
but efficient as well - perhaps there's still hope for this nuthouse of a prison planet.Really enjoyed the "9/11, Great Deception" extravanganza, sound collage right between the eyes. Good on ya. The more I hear and read about
American complicity in the evil deed, the more questions I have. Have you watched any of the videos on GNN, ?Thanks again, keep up the good work


Detailed information and questions?

as broadcast on
Victorias Radio Alternative
in Victoria